Little Zoo Cafe

We went to a Cafe this time called the Little Zoo Cafe. The premise basically is that you get to eat and hang out with animals. And okay yes, this is a pretty cute picture of a Chihuahua and the Chinchilla in the next photo is pretty darn cute as well. But I'm a bit disappointed in myself for going to this cafe.
I should've smelled it a mile away that this place wasn't really good for animals. The corgis were super happy and absolutely adorable. The cats were just cats. Everything else kinda just made me cringe on the inside even if I liked it. Like I mean the chinchilla and the guinea pigs not so much because even as house pets they're kept in cages and that doesn't make me feel so bad. But they had like sand fox looking things, a raccoon, a meerkat, and two prairie dogs that made me want to weep.
The raccoon clearly hated its life. It was pacing the cage and just didn't look happy. The foxes did nothing but sleep. The meerkat was surpassingly happy so I honestly don't know if I can comment on that. And the prairie dogs... one was in a red dress type harness thing on a leash. It seemed okay but like the red dress was too much, it seemed to hate it. The other one was Morbidly Obese and I even asked about it to a staff and she said "yeah he just likes to eat and sleep" and I wanted to yell "Of Course It Does!!! It's an ANIMAL!! You should be regulating how much it eats not letting it literally at itself to death!!!" That was really frustrating.
Heres a photo of me holding a chinchilla because I really did enjoy part of being there.

Like for example, as guilty as I felt, I had already paid... So I did eat. I did hold the animals. I did take photos. I did go into the raccoon enclosure and it did eat a banana out of my hand which was so amazing. And I did pet the raccoon as well. Plus the corgis were clearly happy, healthy, and adorable. The chihuahua was so out of it I am pretty sure they drugged it though...
So yes, sadly I think I supported animal cruelty. I'm rather disgusted by myself (especially for enjoying it). So I'll be writing a review on my Trip Advisor (yes now I give my opinions to random strangers online - link to the top right!) and warning others. I wish that someone who had gone before me had told me that it was like this. Mostly what I was told was that the animals were cute and they had a good time. I should've known by the fact they had a raccoon though, that's on me. Once I voiced my opinion on animal cruelty people were like oh yeah that was a thing... so I really wished they had told me before.
To be fair though, the food was absolutely spectacular.