Airplane Graveyard

So on our very last day in Bangkok together (my last day at least), we decided to go to the airplane graveyard which is a tourist attraction in Bangkok. I honestly have no clue why it's there, how it got there, who owns it, nothing. But basically its a couple of old airplanes which are torn apart as you can see in the picture above. You can go in them and there's a front gate at which they try to charge you $6 but I don't even think the people who charge own it. I think it may be one of those places that people just go and try to charge people at. We walked around the back and got in no problem.
It rained that day which was really weird because we're supposed to be out of rainy season but oh well. It was kind of a bummer for our last day in Bangkok. We had a really good time though:) The airplane graveyard is in a really random part of Bangkok and I always thought it was in a beautiful like field or something but it's actually smaller than a city block and just a random field. It was something a lot of people had gone to but I was sick on the day that quite a few of my friends went so I really wanted to go. Actually a few days before I had actually thought it out and resigned myself to not being able to see the airplane graveyard so I was really excited when we decided to go.
It honestly wasn't as cool of a location as I would've hoped and we were in the cab home for over an hour on the way back because of traffic but I'm still really glad we went and it isn't sitting on my bucket list.
The one really cool thing for me was that I play a lot of video games that have old stuff like this and I now actually know what its like to be in an old and broken down airplane. The one thing I didn't like was that it was wet and dirty... Oh well!
Again this is a kind of short post but I wanted to include these photos!