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Mt. Fuji

Helloooooo From Mt. Fuji Japan!

Yes I did indeed make a day trip! I am also rather proud of myself for that fact for a few reasons.

1. I made new friends at my hostel. Two Aussie girls who are really sweet and invited me to go with them to Mt. Fuji today. So I made friends which I really wasn't planning on doing because A. I'm so over meeting new people, I've met 100s of new people in the last 4 months. And B. I miss my friends from my exchange so much I'm still trying to get over that, wasn't really feeling the whole "new friends" "small talk" "get to know you" song and dance.

2. I woke up before noon. I've been up till about 3 or 4 every night here so far (bad habit I'm just too lazy to correct at the present) and this night was no difference. I went to bed at 3am and we left at 9am and I almost gave up when my alarm sounded but I knew it would be worth it so I forced myself to wake up.

3. I actually left Tokyo on a day trip which I'm pretty impressed with myself about. I have been doing like one or two things tops in a day. I am so close to being 100% burnt out that I don't hold myself to any strict standard. I go to sleep when I'm tired, wake up when I want to, eat what I want when I want. The only things I've committed to are 2 showers a day (morning and night to combat dry skin) and walking a lot and Always taking the stairs. Other that I'm way too burnt out after nearly 4.5 months to be that "I have 5 days to see EVERYTHING this city has to offer" traveller.

We even walked around, saw the lake area, and took a little sky trolley thing to the top of a little hill to get a really nice view of the mountain and the lake. The trip there was like 3 hours by train both direction so it quite comfortably took up the entire day.

Afterwards we stopped in Shibuya (my new favorite part of Tokyo) and had sushi for dinner at this place that you order off a little tablet at your table and they prepare it behind closed doors and it comes zooming directly to your table on this track that covers the entire restaurant. It's so cute and once you've got the food you hit the "collected" button and the little train goes back to its station. It's not conveyor belt sushi where the sushi circles endlessly and anyone can get it, its very direct and only comes when calls. It's quite funny and cute, surprsisingly delicious sushi, and even more surprisingly cheap. I'll likely eat there a lot more.

So I am reasonably proud of myself right now. We are heading to a famous fish market in about half an hour. The line starts at 3am and opens at 5am. Only 150 tourists are allowed in at a day and it's first come first serve. If you're interested in googling it its called the Tsukiji Fish Market and is rather famous. This is where the bidding and auctioning of gigantic fresh caught Tuna happens every morning in the wee hours of morning. I'm really, really excited, I'm just exhausted. I think we're planning to be home by 7 or 8am and I'll sleep until I can't sleep anymore... OR maybe I'll try to stay up until the next day but I highly doubt the possibility of that.

I am honestly fading now but we've got to make it!

Anyway here's a reasonably lazy way to present all my pretty pictures haha, sorry, tonights a struggle. Oh yeah there was a pretty lake but I don't really know much more than that it was pretty.



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